Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Feeling pretty losery and failure-like right now. It's close to midnight. I'm thinking about ALLLLL the things I FAILED to accomplish today - Sunday. Let's be honest, the whole weekend was a bust. I say I want success but my actions say I want long-lasting mediocrity. Or worse, a lifetime of what could have been. This has got to stop. Talking to myself now...One, recognize your heritage - who you are. Two, decide what you want. Three, accept what it is and begin researching. Four, big dreams begin big realities. Five, work hard. Six, find a mentor.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Overcoming mental blocks

The best part is, there's still time. The worst part is, there's less of it. Make room today for your dream or make room tomorrow for regret. Choose the path of most resistance. That will settle for you if you've taken the right step. Many ways, reasons and distractions to throw you off the trail, but don't lose the scent. You have the audacity to cry. You act like you don't have a mission. When everything in you tells you you do. It's pulling you, begging you to come. Complete me, it says. You say ok, but then you run away. What are you afraid of? Not being good enough? It's not you who accomplishes the good thing. It's Him. Don't quit on a whim of inaccurate calculations. Realize the error of your ways. The longing of your days. The subject of your praise.